Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4

Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.

Encounter on Yavin 4

The Death Star exploded. The battle of Yavin is over. Vader, after losing control of his fighter, finally regains it and heads his ship towards Yavin 4. As he gets closer, he goes passed the remains of the battle station.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
The missile detection TIE alarm sounds and flashes constantly inside the cockpit. The fighter and first missile, which are getting closer, follow the same trajectory but in the opposite direction. Vader blows up the missile with an accurate blast out of his front lasers.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Two of the 3 missiles, which are in the air, are heading to the TIE together, one behind other. There isn't possibility to aim another missile as before. There isn't time and space for the maneuver. Vader continues his fast descent in a straight line.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Soldier 1: "What happened??? Looks like we have in hand a new TIE with some kind of jamming device which it can divert the missiles of its trajectory. Isn't it?"
Soldier 2: "I don't think so. The interference devices don't act like that. How strange! Look at direction of trajectory and longitudinal axes of each missile... They're different! They haven't been diverted. It's like they had been pushed or something like that."
Soldier 1: "We had better get out of here. He has detected us too."
The other soldier shouts while running out of the control: "It's impossible to dodge four missiles!" - He's looking for a spot to see the location where the radar-locator of his air defense system is. He can see how the spacecraft fires a blast of lasers. Its target: the locator. And then, he says: "Oh... no."
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
The rebel soldier can see the pilot of the spacecraft descends, slowly, approaching his position, propelled by a rocket backpack. The area which the pilot has chosen to land is very close to the control air defense system. In the end, the soldier can't see the pilot among the trees. He doesn't waste a second and runs. He meets with his partner and tells him very upset:
Soldier 2: "Hurry. Take your gun and hide there. I'll hide in that place. The pilot of the TIE landed down there."
          His partner, who was talking to the command of the rebel base, is shocked and says:
Soldier 1: "What??? But ... Shit! General, I have to go. The pilot of the TIE is coming to visit us."
Dodonna: "What???" - He continues to speak despite the logical silence - "Eh! Is anybody there?" - Communication is lost. Then he tells the person next to him: - "Send a reconnaissance platoon to the antiaircraft system control 4."

It starts to rain slightly. Vader doesn't take long to get where is located the antiaircraft control truck. One of the two soldiers comes out of hiding when he notices that the intruder has gone far from where he was. He wants to surprise him from behind.
Soldier 1: "Stop!"
          Vader turns. He raises his right hand against the soldier who falls on his knees, in the distance, and he begins to have breathing problems. In that moment, the other soldier comes out of hiding too.
Soldier 2: "Don't move!"
          It's too late when he realizes who is aiming his gun. Vader even turns his head. He moves his left arm back and made a gesture with his hand. The soldier, who was a few meters behind Vader, is thrown, hurt and knock out.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
The sky is darkening rapidly. The rain is more intense. Directly, Vader asks the soldier who is caught with his power:
Vader: "What is the name of the pilot who destroyed the Death Star?"
Soldier 1: "Ah! I can't ... Ah! ... breathe. Ah!"
Vader: "Come on. Speak and this will end soon."
Soldier 1: "Ah! Luke Sssk ... Ah! ... Ssky ... Sky ... Skywalker. Luke Skywalker! Ah! Aaaaaaaaaah!"
Vader: "That's not possible. It's not possible!!!"- He shouts angrily.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
At that moment, far from there, Luke stares at the horizon and sees dark clouds, which warns of a storm. The echo of a thunder is heard in the distance. Next to Leia, Han and Chewbacca, he is waiting his turn to enter in the temple where the medal ceremony will be celebrating. While Han and Chewbacca talk to each other, Leia whispers to Luke very worried:
Leia: "What is wrong?"
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Luke: "I don't know. Ben has awakened something in me that it makes me perceive voices and even feelings which are not mine." - He pauses briefly and says: "That storm has just emitted a shock wave of anger and sadness."
The general Dodonna appears and says: "Everyone is ready. It's time boys."
All follow the old general except Leia. She stands still while she stares at the cloudy horizon with her right hand on her chest and visible uneasiness.

After the medal ceremony, the evacuation begins. Everyone goes orderly to their transports. Luke is close to his X-wing. There he meets another pilot: Wedge Antilles.
Wedge: "Sorry, man. But, I have to tell you this. I think the show has taken too long. Since we beat them, I can not wait to get out of here at once."
Luke: "Dodonna insisted on some kind of celebration. He says it's important."
Wedge: "Important? I don't know… Plus knowing that Vader is out there."
Luke: "Vader???" - He exclaims in surprise.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard. The Luminous Falcon.
Wedge: "Yes, man. Haven't you heard yet? He has been lucky and he has been saved. Dammit! At least one of our anti-aircraft was able to bring down his fighter. Now, he must be a bit pissed off."
Luke stares at the storm, which is approaching in the distance, and says: "Actually, quite a lot."

The next day, in the twilight, imperial forces took Yavin 4 under the command of the emperor himself. He is on one of the upper floors of one of the ancient temples, which served as base for the Alliance, receiving a report from Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa.

Ozzel: "... I'm afraid we have only found Lord Vader, my lord. Here he comes now."
Sidious: "Leave us alone."
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard. Admiral Ozzel and captain Needa.
Ozzel: "What chance does he have?"
Needa: "50%?"
Ozzel: "Less... A lot less."

Sidious says angry: "You let the planes escape twice maybe 4 times. The Death Star was vital to the empire. I'm very disappointed, Lord Vader."

Vader: "Once the plans arrived on Tatooine, they were already lost and we should focus on destroying those who could use them against us. You force us to continue with the mission without giving us time to discover and fix what Erso did to the battle station. I only take responsibility for my actions. What Krennic, Tarkin or you did is not my fault. But, let's focus on the present. I'm almost convinced that the boy, who was with Kenobi, is the pilot who has destroyed the Death Star. His name is Luke Skywalker." - He pauses briefly and says: "He isn't powerful yet, but I could sense his potential with intense clarity."

Sidious says after a long silence: "Do they haven't prepare the boy??? Kenobi's weird behavior would have a logical explanation after all... as well as that extraordinary pilot. Uhmm... All this is very disturbing. You chose a strange way to give that woman death."
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard. Admiral Ozzel and captain Needa.

Vader: "I didn't know what I was doing."- And he adds menacingly: "You assume too much then."

Sidious: "You should know, already, that the dark side is full of surprises at first. It shouldn't be used without sufficient experience, but it is inevitable. Do you still feel guilty, Lord Vader?"

Vader: "I could save her." - He says sadly.

Sidious: "Maybe, but you had no opportunity to do anything because of Kenobi. Well, finally, you have got your revenge... more o less. Taking into account what he did to you, the most appropriate would have been something much more... special."

Sidious begins to walk, slowly, moving away from Vader, in silence until he says: "That boy could become a threat. Go with the fleet under Tagge's command and find me that rebel scum... as soon as possible!"

Now, Sidious walk faster. But, he stops for a moment, before leaves Vader, and says: "I don't want any more mistakes, regrets or doubts. And Lord Vader... be assured that I will not tolerate another failure like it has happened."
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
Read Star Wars comic book online for free Encounter on Yavin 4. Science ficction or space opera comic book, graphic novel or fan-comic. Concept art by Zárkuard. Zarkuard.
The End

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